Зарубіжні медіаосвітні ресурси

UNESCO's activities in Communication and Information by themes:
Media development
Media literacy

Європейські організації

The European Charter for Media Literacy. The Charter for Media Literacy exists to support the establishment of media literacy across Europe. By signing the Charter, organisations and individuals endorse a specific definition of media literacy, and commit to actions that will contribute to its development. The Charter thus facilitates consensus and networking amongst those working for media literacy in different countries across Europe.

European Media Literacy Observatory. The ultimate aim of the project is to provide policy recommendations at both European and national levels to support educational policies development in the field of lifelong media education. Exploring the conceptual frameworks of media literacy education across the Member States, the project aims to advance media literacy education in lifelong learning in formal and non-formal education in Europe.

European Schoolnet is the network of 30 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. «Since its founding in 1997, European Schoolnet has used its links with education ministries to help schools make effective use of educational technologies, equipping both teachers and pupils with the skills to achieve in the knowledge society. European Schoolnet provides both Ministries and schools with: information and services relating to the innovative use of educational technology; outreach campaigns on specific educational topics such as maths, science and technology; and research activities.»

Better Internet for Kids. The 'Strategy for a Better Internet for Children' proposes a series of actions to be undertaken by the European Commission and Member States and by the whole industry value chain. In reaching this point however, EC policy has evolved over the course of a number of years and via various programmes. To help track this process, we have developed a policy roadmap aiming to provide a chronological overview of the various relevant activity lines and stakeholders involved, including programme timelines, key outreach events and campaigns, the role of industry, as well as the ongoing evaluation processes.

Nordicom is a knowledge centre in the field of media and communication research, a cooperation between the five countries of the Nordic region – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Starting from academic research, Nordicom collects and adapts knowledge, mediating it to various user groups in the Nordic region, Europe and elsewhere in the world. Nordicom is an institution under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Mentor Media Literacy. Mentor Project was created to contribute to the development of Media Literacy in a context where media are gaining importance in the lives of children and youth. Mentor Project was born as an initiative financed by the European Commission Education and Training Program in 2002. The Mentor Project was overseen by the European Commission and UNESCO.
Велика Британія

Media Education is an independent training and engagement provider who aim to champion the experiences, priorities, views and opinions of those who might struggle to find a voice in society, through the use of creative filmmaking and audio projects, as well as video consultation. «We run our own video and radio projects, focussed on empowerment and advocacy, aiming to build resilient communities who engage in constructive dialogue with service providers and policy makers.»


National Association for Media Literacy Education is a national organization dedicated to media literacy as a basic life skill for the 21st century. The NAMLE vision is to help individuals of all ages develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators and active citizens in today's world. The NAMLE mission is «to expand and improve the practice of media literacy education in the United States.»

Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), founded in 1981, is an international, not-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research, development, learning, and its practical application. AACE serves the profession with international conferences, high quality publications, leading-edge Digital Library, Career Center, and other opportunities for professional growth.

Багата бібліотека з освітніх та інформаційних технологій:

LearnTechLib (The Learning and Technology Library), formerly EdITLib – Education & Information Technology Library. Encompassing more than 25+ years and 100,000+ documents of published international journal articles, conference papers, e-books, and multimedia content from 200,000+ leading authors, the LearnTechLib connects research and learning within one platform.


The Guardian Media

RealClear Politics



Mediakritika.by – независимый информационно-аналитический ресурс, созданный командой белорусских медиаэкспертов. Цель создания сайта – всесторонний независимый критический анализ деятельности медиа в Беларуси. «Медиакритика» также стремится, чтобы белорусские журналисты ежедневно помнили про свои профессиональные стандарты и чувствовали социальную ответственность перед собственной аудиторией».


Частный Кореспондент (раздел «Медиа») – российское интернет-издание. Первое в России издание, полностью перешедшее на лицензию Creative Commons. Публикует аналитические и обзорные статьи, интервью, новости и репортажи.

Медиаобразование и медиакультура
. Электронная научная энциклопедия «Медиаобразование и медиакультура». Электронная научная библиотека «Медиаобразование» (Научный руководитель проектов – А.В.Федоров). Журнал «Медиаобразование». «Media Education and Media Culture».
Сайти, створені при університетах

Велика Британія

Parenting for a Digital Future. «Based in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science, we are conducting a three-year research project on Parenting for a Digital Future. Supported by the MacArthur Foundation's Digital Media and Learning initiative, this research is based on a series of qualitative case studies that investigate how children and young people, along with their parents, carers, mentors and educators imagine and prepare for their personal and professional futures in a digital age.»


Project Look Sharp is a media literacy initiative of Ithaca College that develops and provides lesson plans, media materials, training, and support for the effective integration of media literacy with critical thinking into classroom curricula at all educational levels, including integration with the new common core standards.


Hong Kong Media Education Project provides media literacy literature, curriculum resources and website links for media teachers and researchers with the aim of promoting media education movement in Hong Kongand Greater China. This site is constructed by Dr. Alice Y. L. Lee at the Department of Journalism at the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). It originated from the research project «The Quest for Infomedia Literacy: A Study of the Hong Kong Education Sector's Response to Change in Communication Technology» in 1999. Therefore, it has a particular concern with the relationship between technology development and media education.
Олена Олександрівна Семенець
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